Smoothery Club

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Brands should take responsibility for their packaging

Packaging is an essential part of any product, especially in food and beverage sector. It protects the product from damage, contamination, and spoilage, and it also communicates the brand’s identity, values, and message to the consumers. However, packaging also has a huge environmental impact, as it contributes to waste generation, resource consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and pollution. A global trial conducted by Consumer NZ found that New Zealand was the second-worst country for packaging recyclability out of nine countries. Only 43% of the packaging they assessed was recyclable in practice, compared to 71% in Germany and 67% in Australia. This shows that there is still a lot of room for improvement and innovation in this field.

As consumers become more aware and concerned about the environmental consequences of their choices, they demand more sustainable packaging solutions from the brands they buy from. And, brands should accept the responsibility and moral duty to minimise the environmental impact of their packaging and to innovate new ways to make their packaging more sustainable.

Smoothery has been committed to sustainability from day one, and has designed its packaging with the planet in mind. We had a desire, not a necessity, to do something different. We were not concerned about the appearance or the cost, but about our own values – being part of the movement that chooses something better and gentler on our environment. Here are some of the features that make our packaging stands out:

Biodegradable: Our pouches are made with PLA (Polylactic acid) material, which is derived from renewable plant sources such as corn starch or sugar cane. PLA is biodegradable and compostable under certain conditions, which means it can break down into natural substances without leaving any harmful residues. When you are done with the contents inside, you can simply cut up the packaging and bury it in a garden bin - it will feed the worms.

Reduced: Our packaging is designed to reduce the amount of non-renewable material used and wasted. The packaging is pre-portioned according to the smoothie recipes, so there is no excess or leftover ingredients that need to be stored or disposed of. The packaging is also lightweight and compact, which reduces the space and fuel required for transportation.

Reusable: Our pouches can also be reused for other purposes before composting. For example, you can use the packaging as a plant pot, wrapping up herbs, a craft material, or anything else you can think of. Reusing packaging extends its lifespan and reduces its environmental impact.

We think sustainability and convenience can go hand in hand. By choosing Smoothery, you are not only getting a delicious and nutritious smoothie blends delivered to your door, but also supporting a brand that cares about the environment and takes responsibility for its packaging. We believe that packaging should not be a burden or a guilt-trip for consumers, but rather a solution that is gentler on the planet.

At Smoothery, we are constantly looking for new ways to improve our sustainable standards in all parts of our business. As consumers of other brands, we play a key role in making informed choices when buying products, reducing our consumption of single-use or disposable packaging items, reusing or repurposing packaging materials whenever possible, and supporting brands that are committed to sustainability.